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Fall Scene Study is Back!

Learn the skills you need to feel at home onstage in any role.

Acting is a skill that everyone can learn. We can help get you started.

Providing quality theatre education is as important to us as providing performance opportunities.


At the start of each school year, we run a weekend Scene Study course throughout September and October. This course covers the basics of contemporary theatre acting, and culminates in a public performance so our students can build confidence onstage and get the recognition they deserve for their hard work.


Our workshops are open to teens and adults (grade 9 and up). There is no audition, and complete beginners are always welcome. We charge a participation fee to cover our rental costs for venues, but if this is a barrier to any student, we will waive the fee. Our goal is to make workshops as inclusive as possible.


In addition to our Fall Scene Study, we are hoping to bring in some additional education opportunities over the next few years. If you have a specific topic you would like to study (Shakespeare, technical theatre, voice-over work, etc.), shoot us a message. If there is enough interest, we will consider running additional courses.


To be notified about upcoming workshop opportunities, join our mailing list.


You can read more details about our Fall Scene Study below.


Does the idea of auditioning for a play make you vaguely nauseous but you still kind of want to do it? Were you in your school play and want to know what to do next? Great, you’re in the right place.


Acting is a skilled trade. Anyone can learn to do it, and anyone can learn specific techniques to get a lot better at it. That’s what Scene Study is for.


Ctrl-ART-Del's Scene Study course covers the basics of acting technique, all through hands-on work. You’ll get a taste of working as an ensemble, be cast in a scene from a contemporary play, get individual rehearsal time with a professional director and finish off by performing your scene for an audience at the end of the course.

Plus, following our fall presentation, we announce our next season of plays, so you’ll be the first to know.

What to Expect:

This course is ideal both for people who have never been onstage before but want to learn the basics, and for people who have already worked in school or community theatre, and want to know more.


This three-weekend long course will cover the basics of contemporary theatre acting skills. Students will be coached through a monologue of their own choosing, participate in a group table read, work as an ensemble to break down a script, and learn how to create clear objectives and tell an effective story by working through scenes from the show.


They will then get a chance to put these new skills to work. Students will be cast into short scenes from contemporary plays and receive one-on-one rehearsal time with their scene partner and a professional director to get the scenes stage ready. The course will end with a performance of all the scenes for friends, family and the general public.


Following our fall scene study, we traditionally announce our upcoming season of plays.

Who Can Participate:

This course is open to teens (grade 9 and up) and adults of any experience level. There is no audition requirement for participation. Registration is first-come, first-serve. We will be capping the number of participants at 20, to ensure all performers receive one-on-one rehearsal time.


Anxious performers are VERY welcome – this isn’t a test or an audition, and there is literally no way to mess it up. We’re used to working with terrified beginners. We actually enjoy it, promise.



If you've taken scene study previously, you are welcome to take it again. We will be working on all new plays, so there won’t be any overlap in course materials.


​The course costs $90/participant. If this is a barrier to you, please reach out to us at and we can arrange for a bursary.

Time Commitment:

We run our Fall Scene Study on weekend days throughout September and October, with a final presentation in mid-October. Typically, we do 5 rehearsal days, and 1 presentation day. We always take the Thanksgiving weekend off.

What to Prepare:

Please bring in a contemporary monologue between one and two minutes long for the first day of class.


This monologue can be from a play, a novel, or a poem, but please avoid monologues from film & TV, or self written material. The most important thing is that it has be a piece of writing that you really like it and enjoy performing. We don’t care about the age or the gender of the character, as long as you can relate to it.


Monologues do not need to be memorized, but please be familiar with the material. Please bring a paper copy of your monologue with you to class (not a version on your phone). If you need help printing your monologue, contact us at


If you aren’t sure where to find a monologue, there are links in the registration form to monologues you can use for this course.


If you have any questions about monologues, contact us at We can help.


Please plan to bring or buy your own lunch.


If you’re someone who likes taking written notes, feel free to bring along a notebook.


All other materials for the course will be provided for you.

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