Ctrl-ART-Del Merch available on Redbubble
All profits from our merch sales goes directly back into our show costs, so we can keep on bringing youth focused theatre to Haliburton County.
Plus, you get stuff with our name on it. It's a win-win.
To purchase any of the products below, along with lots of other products, check out our Redbubble store.
Get the Ctrl-ART-Del Logo on stickers, pins, shirts, and lots of other fun products to show your support for local theatre! Explore below, or head to Redbubble to see all the product options.

Since we ran our first ever Scene Study in fall of 2023, our teenage participants have been having fun taking notes of our Artistic Director's quotes. Tim has lots of thoughts on a diverse array of subjects. Now everyone can enjoy Tim Quotes! Explore the designs below, and head to Redbubble to see all the products available.

Take a trip down memory lane, and enjoy the original promo artwork and merch from our very first production, Cherubs: A Canadian Premiere. More products options available on Redbubble!